Episode 3: “What’s the Connection Between Sports and Music?”

Before the episode kicks off (😖), hosts E and Tank want to remind you that there’s ⁠a video edition of the show⁠ you can watch right now! It’s about album covers, and we think it’s pretty great even if we forgot to tell you about it initially. We’re still new at this self promotion thing. 🤷 Check out youtube.com/@extendedplaypod.

But in today’s episode, we’re back to talk about the connection between sports and music. How vital is music to the experience of watching sports? Why do athletes so often wish they were musicians? Why do we care so much about who Travis Kelce is dating? We get into that and a whole lot more.

Remember to like/follow/subscribe to ⁠The Extended Play Podcast⁠. It helps people find the show and grows our Extended Family!


Episode 5: “Playlist Challenge - ‘Q’ (No, Not That ‘Q’)”


Episode 1: “Musical New Year’s Resolutions”