Musical New Year’s Resolutions - How’d We Do in 2024? What Are Our Resolutions for 2025?
In which our hosts check in on their progress toward their 2024 musical resolutions.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#30-21) - The EP 100
In which the countdown rolls on…
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#40-31) - The EP 100
In which we go all Siskel & Ebert on this episode, ranking a few albums WAY differently.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#50-41) - The EP 100
In which we discuss some classic hip-hop albums and some that deserve to be classics.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#60-51) - The EP 100
In which we see the appearance of a recently reunited English giant, some 90s bangers, and robots.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#70-61) - The EP 100
In which two of our hosts' favorite artists are featured.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#80-71) - The EP 100
In which E tries not to barf during Tank’s intro.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#90-#81) - The EP 100
In which the list rolls on with a wide range of genres.
The 100 Best Albums of Our Lifetime (#100-#91) - The EP 100
In which we put our money where our collective mouths are.
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